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Complete Python with Framework (DJANGO)

Learn Complete Python with DJANGO Framework
Go to the Syllabus Below...

Unit- 1 (HTML)

Theory/Practical Topics 

Introduction To HTML 

Structure of HTML 

Attributes & Values 

Comments , Header 

Tags Image Tag 

Link Tags (Text &Image) Marquee Tag

Unit- 3 

Theory/Practical Topics 



Unit- 5

Theory/Practical Topics 

  1. Animation Properties 

  2. Layout Design 

  3. Div. Creation 

  4. Gallery Page

Unit- 7

Theory/Practical Topics 

  1. Form Handling DOM Manipulation Pre- defined functions 

  2. Introduction to Objects 

  3. What is property and methods  Array, Validation 

  4. Log in Page Validation 

  5. Contact Validation 

  6. Email Validation

Unit- 9

Python If else  Python Loops  Python For Loop  Python While Loop  Python Break  Python Continue  Python Pass

Unit- 11

Theory/Practical Topics 

​Python Functions  Python Built-in Functions  Python Lambda Functions  Python Files I/O  Python Modules  Python Exceptions  Python Date  Python Regex

Unit- 13

Theory/Practical Topics 

  1. Python OS Module  Python Random Module  Python Statistics Module  Python Sys Module  Python IDEs  Python Arrays Command Line Arguments  Python Magic Method  Python Stack & Queue PySpark MLlib  Python Decorator  Python Generators  Web Scraping Using Python  Python JSONP  Python Itertools

Unit- 15

Theory/Practical Topics 

  1. Python MySQL  Environment Setup  Database Connection  Creating New Database  Creating Tables  Insert Operation  Read Operation  Update Operation  Join Operation

Unit- 16

Theory/Practical Topics 

Form Validation  File Upload  Database Connectivity  Database Migrations  Django Middleware  Request and Response  Django Exceptions

Unit- 19

Theory/Practical Topics 

Django Exceptions  Django Session  Django Cookie  Djnago CSV Output  Django PDF Output  Django and Bootstrap  Deploy on Github  Django Mail Setup

Unit- 21

Theory/Practical Topics 

jQuery introduction  jQuerySelectors and its events  Css()  fadeIn(), fadeOut(),fadeToggle()  slideDown() , slideUp(),slideToggle()

Unit- 22

Theory/Practical Topics 

 Bind () 

Change Event 

Select Event 

bind Event

Unit- 2 (Table)

Theory/Practical Topics
Table, List 

Form without Table 

Form with Table

Unit- 4

Theory/Practical Topics

Introduction of CSS 

Types of Selector 

Types of CSS 

Property of CSS  Border,

Padding  Opacity, Margin  Gradient

Unit- 6

Theory/Practical Topics

Introduction to JavaScript,

Variable ,Operators, Conditions Looping and Array 

Introduction to functions 

Popup Boxes(Alert, Confirm, Prompt)  Introduction to functions

Unit- 8

Theory/Practical Topics 

Python Features   Python History 

Python Applications 

Python Install  Python Example  Python Variables  Python Data Types  Python Keywords  Python Literals  Python Operators  Python Comments

Unit- 10

Theory/Practical Topics 

Python Strings  Python Lists  Python Tuples  Python Sets  Python Dictionary

Unit- 12

Theory/Practical Topics 

Python Sending Email  Read CSV File  Write CSV File  Read Excel File  Write Excel File  Python Assert  Python List Comprehension  Python Collection Module

Unit- 14

Theory/Practical Topics 

Python OOPs  Python OOPs Concepts  Python Object Class  Python Constructors  Python Inheritance

Unit- 16

Theory/Practical Topics 

Django Tutorial  Django Introduction  Django Features  Django Installation  Django Project  Apache Configuration  Virtual Environment Setup  Admin Interface

Unit- 17

Theory/Practical Topics 

Django App  Django MVT  Django Model  Django View  Django Template  URL Mapping  Static Files Handling  ModelForms  Django Forms open link

Unit- 18

Theory/Practical Topics 

Form Validation  File Upload  Database Connectivity  Database Migrations  Django Middleware  Request and Response

Unit- 20

Theory/Practical Topics 

Django Tutorial  Django Introduction  Django Features  Django Installation  Django Project  Apache Configuration  Virtual Environment Setup  Admin Interface

Django Default CRUD 

CRUD Application

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Fin Computer Class
Sector 107, Noida  U.P.
M-: 9871715299

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