O Level Course Information ‘O’ Level syllabus is designed to facilitate students in the development of concept based approach for problem solving using IT as a tool. The self learning approach is built into the syllabus, thereby training the candidates to update themselves on the changing technologies in their area of work. The ‘O’ Level syllabus has been designed to produce Junior Programmers, EDP Assistants / Web Designers / lab demonstrators etc. equipped with latest knowledge and skills.
Objective of the ‘O’ Level Course
The objective of the course is to enable a student to acquire the knowledge pertaining to fundamentals of Information Technology (IT Tools and Business Systems, Internet Technology and Web design, Programming and Problem Solving through ‘C’ Language, Application of .NET Technology, Introduction to Multimedia, Introduction to ICT Resources, a Practical and Project Work). In order to serve the IT industry better, the DOEACC ‘O’ Level course has been designed to develop the basic skills for the above. The career options available to a DOEACC ‘O’ level qualifiers are: • Junior Programmer • EDP Assistant • Web Designer • Lab Demonstrator DOEACC ‘O’ Level Course consists of four theory modules (three compulsory modules and one elective module), one Practical and one Project.
‘O’ Level Course
The structure of the ‘O’ Level course is: Paper Code Subject M1-R4 IT Tools and Business System M2-R4 Internet Technology and Web Design M3-R4 Programming and Problem Solving Through ‘C’ Language M4-R4 Elective: (One Module out of the following three modules to be chosen) M4.1-R4 Application of .NET Technology M4.2-R4 Introduction to Multimedia M4.3-R4 Introduction to ICT Resources PR Practical (Based on M1, M2, M3, M4 module syllabus) PJ Project
‘O’ Level Course Fee Duration: One- Year
The theory examination for each module under the fourth revised syllabus would be for duration of three hours and the total marks for each subject would be 100. One Practical examination of three hours duration and 100 marks. The first examination with the revised syllabus will be held in July 2010, for which teaching will commence with immediate effect. Dates for the various activities connected with examinations will be announced on DOEACC website, well in advance of the examinations. Laboratory/ Practical work will be conducted at Institutions / organizations, which are running the course. The Society will be responsible for holding the examination for theory and practical both for the students from Accredited Centers and student at large.
Pass Percentage
To qualify for a pass in a module, a candidate must have obtained at least 50% in each theory and practical examination. The marks will be translated into grades, while communicating results to the candidates. The gradation structure is as below:- Pass percentage Grade Failed(<50) F 50%-54% D 55%-64% C 65%-74% B 75%-84% A 85% and over S