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Microsoft Office 2019 Complete Syllabus

  1. Microsoft Word

  2. Microsoft Excel

  3. Microsoft PowerPoint

  4. Microsoft Outlook

Word Starting


Word Starting

  1. Open MS Word

  2. Save vs Save As

  3. Menu Bar

  4. Title Bar

  5. Ribbon Bar

  6. Status Bar

  7. Working Area

Word Starting


Home Tab

  1. Clipboard-: Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special, Format Painter

  2. Font-: Increases Font Size, Decrees Font Size, Change Case, Sub, Super Script

  3. Bold, Italic, Underline, Indent, Sorting

  4. Paragraph-: Alignments, Borders, Bullets & Numbering, Line Spacing

  5. Styles-: Create and mange Styles & Titles

  6. Editing-: Find, Find All, Select All, Go-To, Heading, Pages

Word Starting


Insert Tab

  1. Cover Page, Blank Page & Page Break

  2. Working with Table, Table Design & Table Layout Tab all Options

  3. Working with online Picture, Offline Picture and Picture Format Tab all options

  4. Working with Shapes

  5. Add-ins

  6. Hyper Link, Book Marks & Cross Reference

  7. Header, Footer & Page numbering

  8. Objects

  9. Signatures

  10. Equations, Symbols & Equations Design Tab all options

Word Starting


Design Tab

  1. Themes

  2. Document Formatting

  3. Page Background-: Watermark, Page Color, Page Border

Word Starting


Layout Tab-:

  1. Page Setup-: Margins, Orientation, Size, Columns, Breaks, Line Numbers, Hyphenation

  2. Paragraph-: left indent, right indent, spacing

  3. Arranges

Word Starting


Reference Tab

  1. Table of Contents, Add Text, Update Table

  2. Footnotes, Endnote

  3. Research

  4. Citations & Bibliography

  5. Captions

  6. Index

  7. Table of Authorities

Word Starting



  1. Create database in Excel, Access

  2. Use existing Database

  3. Create letters using Database File or Excel Files

  4. Create Envelopes & labels using Database File or Excel Files

Word Starting


Review Tab

  1. Proofing-: Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus, Word Count

  2. Speech-: Read Aloud

  3. Language-: Translate a document or selected area, Set Default Languages

  4. Comments-: add new comments, Delete comments

  5. Track Changes

  6. Compare

  7. Protect word Documents

Word Starting


View Tab

  1. Views-: Read Mode, Print Layout & WebLayout, Outline, Draft

  2. use of Immersive Reader

  3. Page Movement-: Vertical & Side by Side

  4. Rules

  5. Gridlines

  6. Navigation Pane

  7. Zoom Settings

  8. Windows

  9. Macros

Word Starting



  1. Create your own Templates

  2. Working with Templates

  3. Download Required Templates

  4. Overview of Google Docs & Libra Office Writer

  5. Save a Word file in Pdf

  6. Protect files using protection

  7. Open & Edit Pdf file in MS Word



Microsoft Excel Fundamentals

  1. Launching Excel

  2. Microsoft Excel Start-up Screen

  3. Introduction to the Excel Interface

  4. Customizing the Excel Quick Access Toolbar

  5. More on the Excel Interface

  6. Understanding the Structure of an Excel Worksheet

  7. Saving an Excel Document

  8. Opening an Existing Excel Document

  9. Common Excel Shortcut Keys

  10. Font formats, Alignment, Borders, etc

  11. Basic conditional formatting


Entering and Editing Text and Formulas

  1. Entering Text to Create Spreadsheet Titles

  2. Working with Numeric Data in Excel

  3. Entering Date Values in Excel

  4. Working with Cell References

  5. Creating Basic Formulas in Excel

  6. Relative Versus Absolute Cell References in Formulas

  7. Understanding the Order of Operation


Working with Basic Excel Functions

  1. The structure of an Excel Function

  2. Working with the SUM() Function

  3. Working with the MIN() and MAX() Functions

  4. Working with the AVERAGE() Function

  5. Working with the COUNT() Function

  6. Adjacent Cells Error in Excel Calculations

  7. Using the AutoSum Command

  8. Excel's AutoSum Shortcut Key

  9. Using the AutoFill Command to Copy Formulas


Modifying an Excel Worksheet

  1. Moving and Copying Data in an Excel Worksheet

  2. Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns

  3. Changing the Width and Height of Cells

  4. Hiding and Unhiding Excel Rows and Columns

  5. Renaming an Excel Worksheet

  6. Deleting an Excel Worksheet

  7. Moving and Copying an Excel Worksheet


Formatting Data in an Excel Worksheet

  1. Working with Font Formatting Commands

  2. Changing the Background Colour of a Cell

  3. Adding Borders to Cells

  4. Formatting Data as Currency Values

  5. Formatting Percentages

  6. Using Excel's Format Painter

  7. Creating Styles to Format Data

  8. Merging and Centring Cells

  9. Using Conditional Formatting


Protecting Excel

  1. File Level Protection

  2. Workbook, Worksheet Protection

  3. Add New Range fro protection


Text Functions

  1. Upper, Lower, Proper

  2. Left, Right, Mid

  3. Trim, Len, Exact

  4. Find, Search, Text, Number, Code, Substitute

  5. Concatenate, Replace, REPT


Mathematical Functions

  1. Sum, Sumif, Sumifs

  2. Average, Averageif, Averageifs

  3. Count, Countif, Countifs,

  4. Average, Averageif, Averageifs

  5. Max, Min

  6. If, ifs

  7. and, or, not and with if, or with if, not with if


Date & Time Functions

  1. Today, Now

  2. Day, Month, Year, YearFrac

  3. Date, Date if

  4. EOMonth, EDate, Weekday, WeekNUM, Workday

  5. Hour, Minute, Second


Advance Paste Special options

  1. Paste Formulas, Paste Formats

  2. Paste Validations

  3. Transpose Table

  4. Plan Paste


Slicer, Charts and Graphs

  1. Working with Charts

  2. Using SLICERS, Filter data with Slicers 


Pivot Tables

  1. Creating Simple Pivot Tables 

  2. Basic and Advanced Value Field Setting 


Printing Worksheet

  1. using of Page Break Preview

  2. Setting of Margin, Orientation & Page Size

  3. Print Area, Page Break and Print Titles

  4. Scale to Fit, Gridlines , Heading



  1. Import & Export Data

  2. Sorting and Filtering

  3. Text to Column, FlashFill, Remove Duplicate

  4. Data Validation

  5. Consolidate the Data

  6. Outline

  7. Group

  8. Un-Group


Lookup Functions

  1. Vlookup / HLookup 


VBA Macro

  1. What Is VBA?

  2. Recording a Macro


PowerPoint Interfaces

  1. Different ways to open MS PowerPoint

  2. Interface of PowerPoint

  3. Menu or Tab

  4. Ribbon Bar

  5. Slides and their uses

  6. How to choose Slides as per your need

  7. New Slides

  8. Layout

  9. Reset

  10. Sections

  11. Clipboard

  12. Font

  13. Paragraphs

  14. Drawing

  15. Editin


Insert Tab

  1. Slides

  2. Tables

  3. Images

  4. Working with offline / online pictures

  5. Screenshot

  6. Photo Album

  7. Illustrations

  8. Add-ins

  9. Links


  11. Text Box

  12. Header & Footer

  13. WordArt

  14. Symbols

  15. Videos

  16. Audios

  17. Screen Recording


Working with Basic Excel Functions

  1. The structure of an Excel Function

  2. Working with the SUM() Function

  3. Working with the MIN() and MAX() Functions

  4. Working with the AVERAGE() Function

  5. Working with the COUNT() Function

  6. Adjacent Cells Error in Excel Calculations

  7. Using the AutoSum Command

  8. Excel's AutoSum Shortcut Key

  9. Using the AutoFill Command to Copy Formulas


Transitions & Animations

  1. How to Apply Transitions in your Slides

  2. Use of Animation on Text, Pictures & Shapes

  3. Working of Projects using Shapes and Animations options

  4. Timing for Transitions & Animations


Slide Show

  1. Start Slide Show

  2. Custom Up Slide Show

  3. Hide Slide

  4. Rehearse Timing

  5. Record Slides

  6. Present Your Slides



  1. Record

  2. Screen Shot

  3. Screen Recording

  4. Audio Recording

  5. Video Recording

  6. Export your Slide to Video or Convert ppt to Videos Format

  7. Use annotation while recording screen



  1. Normal

  2. Outline View

  3. Slide Sorter

  4. Notes page

  5. Reading View

  6. Slide Master

  7. Handout Master

  8. Notes Master

  9. Show

  10. Macros



Learn Outlook Completely

  1. Email Account Setup

  2. Composing E-mail Messages

  3. Sending & Receiving E-mails

  4. Organizing E-mail Messages

  5. Message Layout & Reading Options

  6. Contacts

  7. Appointments

  8. Calendar

  9. Scheduling Meetings

  10. Tasks

  11. Notes, Recall & Attachment Size

  12. E-mail Message Options

  13. Insert Advanced Characters & Objects

  14. Locating Outlook Items

  15. Journal

  16. Managing Tasks

  17. Sharing Folders

  18. Personalizing E-mail

  19. Organizing Outlook Items

  20. Managing Data Files

  21. Advanced Contacts

  22. Data Profile


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Individual training 
Corporate Training
E-Certificate for each course
Life time video accessible

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