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MS Word Syllabus, Learn Word online, Learn online Computer


Word Starting

  1. Open MS Word

  2. Save vs Save As

  3. Menu Bar

  4. Title Bar

  5. Ribbon Bar

  6. Status Bar

  7. Working Area


Home Tab

  1. Clipboard-: Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special, Format Painter

  2. Font-: Increases Font Size, Decrees Font Size, Change Case, Sub, Super Script

  3. Bold, Italic, Underline, Indent, Sorting

  4. Paragraph-: Alignments, Borders, Bullets & Numbering, Line Spacing

  5. Styles-: Create and mange Styles & Titles

  6. Editing-: Find, Find All, Select All, Go-To, Heading, Pages


Insert Tab

  1. Cover Page, Blank Page & Page Break

  2. Working with Table, Table Design & Table Layout Tab all Options

  3. Working with online Picture, Offline Picture and Picture Format Tab all options

  4. Working with Shapes

  5. Add-ins

  6. Hyper Link, Book Marks & Cross Reference

  7. Header, Footer & Page numbering

  8. Objects

  9. Signatures

  10. Equations, Symbols & Equations Design Tab all options


Design Tab

  1. Themes

  2. Document Formatting

  3. Page Background-: Watermark, Page Color, Page Border


Layout Tab-:

  1. Page Setup-: Margins, Orientation, Size, Columns, Breaks, Line Numbers, Hyphenation

  2. Paragraph-: left indent, right indent, spacing

  3. Arranges


Reference Tab

  1. Table of Contents, Add Text, Update Table

  2. Footnotes, Endnote

  3. Research

  4. Citations & Bibliography

  5. Captions

  6. Index

  7. Table of Authorities



  1. Create database in Excel, Access

  2. Use existing Database

  3. Create letters using Database File or Excel Files

  4. Create Envelopes & labels using Database File or Excel Files


Review Tab

  1. Proofing-: Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus, Word Count

  2. Speech-: Read Aloud

  3. Language-: Translate a document or selected area, Set Default Languages

  4. Comments-: add new comments, Delete comments

  5. Track Changes

  6. Compare

  7. Protect word Documents


View Tab

  1. Views-: Read Mode, Print Layout & WebLayout, Outline, Draft

  2. use of Immersive Reader

  3. Page Movement-: Vertical & Side by Side

  4. Rules

  5. Gridlines

  6. Navigation Pane

  7. Zoom Settings

  8. Windows

  9. Macros



  1. Save a Word file in Pdf

  2. Protect files using protection

  3. open & Edit Pdf file in MS Word

सुविधाएं -:

एक से एक  ऑनलाइन  / ऑफलाइन क्लास

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ई बुक्स

हमारे बारे में-:
फिन कंप्यूटर क्लास
सेक्टर 107, नॉएडा  यूपी
एम-: 9871715299
इ:  फिनकंप्यूटरक्लास

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