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Diploma in Computer Application

Classes are available for online / offline / onsite mode

Microsoft Word

Home Tab

  1. Clipboard:

    • Cut: Removes the selected content and places it on the clipboard.

    • Copy: Copies the selected content to the clipboard.

    • Paste: Inserts the content from the clipboard into the document.

  2. Font:

    • Font Style: Allows you to change the font family (e.g., Arial, Times New Roman) of the selected text.

    • Font Size: Lets you change the size of the selected text.

    • Bold: Applies bold formatting to the selected text.

    • Italic: Applies italic formatting to the selected text.

    • Underline: Adds an underline to the selected text.

    • Font Color: Changes the color of the selected text.

  3. Paragraph:

    • Align Left: Aligns the selected paragraph to the left.

    • Center: Centers the selected paragraph.

    • Align Right: Aligns the selected paragraph to the right.

    • Justify: Aligns the text in the selected paragraph to both the left and right margins.

    • Bullets: Adds bullets to the selected list items.

    • Numbering: Adds numbers to the selected list items.

    • Line Spacing: Adjusts the spacing between lines of text.

  4. Styles:

    • Normal: Applies the "Normal" style to the selected text.

    • Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.: Applies various heading styles to the selected text.

  5. Editing:

    • Find: Opens the Find and Replace dialog box to search for specific text.

    • Replace: Opens the Find and Replace dialog box to search for and replace specific text.

    • Select: Provides options to select specific elements in the document.

    • Clear Formatting: Removes formatting from the selected text.

Insert Tab

  1. Page Break:

    • Inserts a manual page break to start a new page.

  2. Cover Page:

    • Provides pre-designed cover page templates that you can insert at the beginning of your document.

  3. Blank Page:

    • Inserts a blank page at the cursor position.

  4. Table:

    • Table: Inserts a new table into the document.

    • Insert Table: Opens a dialog box to create a custom table.

  5. Illustrations:

    • Provides options to insert various visual elements into the document.

    • Picture: Inserts an image from your computer.

    • Online Pictures: Allows you to insert images from online sources.

    • Shapes: Inserts various shapes like rectangles, circles, lines, etc.

    • SmartArt: Inserts pre-designed diagrams and organizational charts.

    • Chart: Inserts a chart to visualize data.

    • Screenshot: Takes a screenshot of an open window and inserts it into the document.

    • Add-Ins: Allows you to insert additional components and tools.

  6. Links:

    • Hyperlink: Adds a hyperlink to selected text or objects.

    • Bookmark: Creates a bookmark within the document.

    • Cross-reference: Creates a reference to another part of the document, like headings or page numbers.

  7. Header:

    • Provides options to insert predefined headers or customize your own.

  8. Footer:

    • Provides options to insert predefined footers or customize your own.

  9. Text:

    • Text Box: Inserts a text box that can contain separate text from the main document.

    • Quick Parts: Inserts reusable pieces of content, like cover pages, headers, or footers.

    • WordArt: Inserts stylized text with various effects.

  10. Symbol:

    • Provides options to insert symbols and special characters into the document.

  11. Equation:

    • Opens the Equation Editor, allowing you to create and insert mathematical equations.

  12. Date & Time:

    • Inserts the current date and time into the document.

  13. Object:

    • Object: Allows you to insert objects from other applications, such as Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint presentations.

  14. Text Group:

    • Drop Cap: Formats the first letter of a paragraph as a larger capital letter.

    • Text Box: Inserts a text box that can contain separate text from the main document.

  15. Symbols Group:

    • Equation: Opens the Equation Editor for creating and inserting mathematical equations.

    • Symbol: Provides a selection of symbols and special characters.

  16. Media Group:

    • Online Pictures: Lets you search and insert images from online sources.

    • Screenshot: Takes a screenshot of an open window and inserts it into the document.

    • Audio: Inserts audio clips into the document.

    • Video: Inserts video clips into the document.

  17. Table Group:

    • Table: Inserts a new table into the document.

    • Insert Table: Opens a dialog box to create a custom table.

    • Quick Tables: Provides predefined table layouts.

  18. Illustrations Group:

    • Picture: Inserts an image from your computer.

    • Clip Art: Inserts clip art images from the Microsoft library (may vary by version).

    • Shapes: Inserts various shapes like rectangles, circles, lines, etc.

    • SmartArt: Inserts pre-designed diagrams and organizational charts.

    • Chart: Inserts a chart to visualize data.

  19. Links Group:

    • Hyperlink: Adds a hyperlink to selected text or objects.

    • Bookmark: Creates a bookmark within the document.

    • Cross-reference: Creates a reference to another part of the document.

  20. Header & Footer Group:

    • Header: Provides options to insert predefined headers or customize your own.

    • Footer: Provides options to insert predefined footers or customize your own.

    • Page Number: Inserts page numbers into the document.

  21. Text Group:

    • Text Box: Inserts a text box that can contain separate text from the main document.

    • Quick Parts: Inserts reusable pieces of content, like cover pages, headers, or footers.

    • WordArt: Inserts stylized text with various effects.

  22. Symbols Group:

    • Equation: Opens the Equation Editor for creating and inserting mathematical equations.

    • Symbol: Provides a selection of symbols and special characters.

  23. Media Group:

    • Online Pictures: Lets you search and insert images from online sources.

    • Screenshot: Takes a screenshot of an open window and inserts it into the document.

    • Audio: Inserts audio clips into the document.

    • Video: Inserts video clips into the document.

  24. Add-Ins Group:

    • My Add-ins: Allows you to manage and insert add-ins for extended functionality.

Insert Tab

  1. Page Break:

    • Inserts a manual page break to start a new page.

  2. Cover Page:

    • Provides pre-designed cover page templates that you can insert at the beginning of your document.

  3. Blank Page:

    • Inserts a blank page at the cursor position.

  4. Table:

    • Table: Inserts a new table into the document.

    • Insert Table: Opens a dialog box to create a custom table.

  5. Illustrations:

    • Provides options to insert various visual elements into the document.

    • Picture: Inserts an image from your computer.

    • Online Pictures: Allows you to insert images from online sources.

    • Shapes: Inserts various shapes like rectangles, circles, lines, etc.

    • SmartArt: Inserts pre-designed diagrams and organizational charts.

    • Chart: Inserts a chart to visualize data.

    • Screenshot: Takes a screenshot of an open window and inserts it into the document.

    • Add-Ins: Allows you to insert additional components and tools.

  6. Links:

    • Hyperlink: Adds a hyperlink to selected text or objects.

    • Bookmark: Creates a bookmark within the document.

    • Cross-reference: Creates a reference to another part of the document, like headings or page numbers.

  7. Header:

    • Provides options to insert predefined headers or customize your own.

  8. Footer:

    • Provides options to insert predefined footers or customize your own.

  9. Text:

    • Text Box: Inserts a text box that can contain separate text from the main document.

    • Quick Parts: Inserts reusable pieces of content, like cover pages, headers, or footers.

    • WordArt: Inserts stylized text with various effects.

  10. Symbol:

    • Provides options to insert symbols and special characters into the document.

  11. Equation:

    • Opens the Equation Editor, allowing you to create and insert mathematical equations.

  12. Date & Time:

    • Inserts the current date and time into the document.

  13. Object:

    • Object: Allows you to insert objects from other applications, such as Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint presentations.

  14. Text Group:

    • Drop Cap: Formats the first letter of a paragraph as a larger capital letter.

    • Text Box: Inserts a text box that can contain separate text from the main document.

  15. Symbols Group:

    • Equation: Opens the Equation Editor for creating and inserting mathematical equations.

    • Symbol: Provides a selection of symbols and special characters.

  16. Media Group:

    • Online Pictures: Lets you search and insert images from online sources.

    • Screenshot: Takes a screenshot of an open window and inserts it into the document.

    • Audio: Inserts audio clips into the document.

    • Video: Inserts video clips into the document.

  17. Table Group:

    • Table: Inserts a new table into the document.

    • Insert Table: Opens a dialog box to create a custom table.

    • Quick Tables: Provides predefined table layouts.

  18. Illustrations Group:

    • Picture: Inserts an image from your computer.

    • Clip Art: Inserts clip art images from the Microsoft library (may vary by version).

    • Shapes: Inserts various shapes like rectangles, circles, lines, etc.

    • SmartArt: Inserts pre-designed diagrams and organizational charts.

    • Chart: Inserts a chart to visualize data.

  19. Links Group:

    • Hyperlink: Adds a hyperlink to selected text or objects.

    • Bookmark: Creates a bookmark within the document.

    • Cross-reference: Creates a reference to another part of the document.

  20. Header & Footer Group:

    • Header: Provides options to insert predefined headers or customize your own.

    • Footer: Provides options to insert predefined footers or customize your own.

    • Page Number: Inserts page numbers into the document.

  21. Text Group:

    • Text Box: Inserts a text box that can contain separate text from the main document.

    • Quick Parts: Inserts reusable pieces of content, like cover pages, headers, or footers.

    • WordArt: Inserts stylized text with various effects.

  22. Symbols Group:

    • Equation: Opens the Equation Editor for creating and inserting mathematical equations.

    • Symbol: Provides a selection of symbols and special characters.

  23. Media Group:

    • Online Pictures: Lets you search and insert images from online sources.

    • Screenshot: Takes a screenshot of an open window and inserts it into the document.

    • Audio: Inserts audio clips into the document.

    • Video: Inserts video clips into the document.

  24. Add-Ins Group:

    • My Add-ins: Allows you to manage and insert add-ins for extended functionality.

Design Tab

  1. Themes:

    • Provides a variety of pre-designed document themes that include coordinated fonts, colors, and effects.

  2. Document Formatting:

    • Page Color: Changes the background color of the document.

    • Page Borders: Opens the Borders and Shading dialog box to apply borders to pages or paragraphs.

    • Watermark: Adds a semi-transparent text or image watermark to the document.

  3. Page Borders:

    • Opens the Borders and Shading dialog box to apply borders to pages or paragraphs.

  4. Page Color:

    • Changes the background color of the document.

  5. Watermark:

    • Adds a semi-transparent text or image watermark to the document.

  6. Themes Group:

    • Theme Colors: Allows you to customize the color palette used in the current theme.

    • Theme Fonts: Lets you choose a different set of fonts for the current theme.

    • Theme Effects: Offers various visual effects for the current theme.

  7. Page Background Group:

    • Page Color: Changes the background color of the document.

    • Watermark: Adds a watermark, which is typically a faint text or image, to the document.

  8. Paragraph Spacing:

    • Controls the spacing before and after paragraphs.

  9. Document Formatting Group:

    • Page Borders: Opens the Borders and Shading dialog box to apply borders to pages or paragraphs.

  10. Themes Group:

    • Themes: Provides a gallery of pre-designed themes with coordinated fonts, colors, and effects.

    • Colors: Lets you choose a different color palette for the current theme.

    • Fonts: Allows you to select a different set of fonts for the current theme.

    • Effects: Offers various visual effects for the current theme.

  11. Page Background Group:

    • Page Color: Changes the background color of the document.

    • Watermark: Adds a watermark, which is typically a faint text or image, to the document.

Layout Tab

  1. Margins:

    • Adjusts the page margins, which control the amount of white space around the content on the page.

  2. Orientation:

    • Changes the page orientation between portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal).

  3. Size:

    • Changes the page size to predefined sizes or custom dimensions.

  4. Columns:

    • Divides the page into multiple columns for text layout.

  5. Breaks:

    • Provides options for inserting various types of breaks in the document:

      • Page Break: Inserts a manual page break to start a new page.

      • Column Break: Inserts a break to start a new column.

      • Section Breaks: Inserts a break to start a new section with different formatting.

  6. Line Numbers:

    • Adds line numbers to the left or right margin of the document.

  7. Hyphenation:

    • Automatically divides words at the end of lines to improve text layout.

  8. Page Setup Group:

    • Margins: Adjusts the page margins.

    • Orientation: Changes the page orientation between portrait and landscape.

    • Size: Adjusts the page size.

    • Columns: Divides the page into multiple columns.

  9. Page Background Group:

    • Page Color: Changes the background color of the document.

    • Watermark: Adds a watermark, which is typically a faint text or image, to the document.

  10. Paragraph Group:

    • Indent: Adjusts the indentation of paragraphs.

    • Spacing: Controls the spacing before and after paragraphs.

    • Align Text: Aligns text within a selected paragraph.

    • Line Spacing: Adjusts the spacing between lines of text.

    • Shading: Applies background shading to selected paragraphs.

  11. Arrange Group:

    • Position: Allows you to set the exact positioning of objects within the document.

    • Wrap Text: Determines how text wraps around inserted objects.

    • Bring Forward / Send Backward: Adjusts the stacking order of objects on the page.

    • Align: Aligns selected objects relative to each other.

  12. Page Setup Group:

    • Margins: Adjusts the page margins.

    • Orientation: Changes the page orientation between portrait and landscape.

    • Size: Adjusts the page size.

    • Columns: Divides the page into multiple columns.

  13. Page Background Group:

    • Page Color: Changes the background color of the document.

    • Watermark: Adds a watermark, which is typically a faint text or image, to the document.

  14. Paragraph Group:

    • Indent: Adjusts the indentation of paragraphs.

    • Spacing: Controls the spacing before and after paragraphs.

    • Align Text: Aligns text within a selected paragraph.

    • Line Spacing: Adjusts the spacing between lines of text.

    • Shading: Applies background shading to selected paragraphs.

  15. Arrange Group:

    • Position: Allows you to set the exact positioning of objects within the document.

    • Wrap Text: Determines how text wraps around inserted objects.

    • Bring Forward / Send Backward: Adjusts the stacking order of objects on the page.

    • Align: Aligns selected objects relative to each other.

Reference Tab

  1. Table of Contents Group:

    • Table of Contents: Inserts a table of contents based on the document's headings.

    • Update Table: Updates the table of contents to reflect changes in the document.

  2. Footnotes Group:

    • Insert Footnote: Inserts a reference note at the bottom of the page.

    • Insert Endnote: Inserts a reference note at the end of the document or section.

    • Next Footnote / Next Endnote: Navigates between footnotes or endnotes.

  3. Citations & Bibliography Group:

    • Manage Sources: Opens the citation manager for adding, editing, and managing sources.

    • Insert Citation: Inserts a citation from the source list.

    • Bibliography: Inserts a bibliography of cited sources.

  4. Captions Group:

    • Insert Caption: Inserts a caption for tables, figures, equations, and other items.

    • Cross-reference: Creates cross-references to captions.

  5. Index Group:

    • Mark Entry: Marks selected text to be included in the index.

    • Insert Index: Inserts an index of marked entries.

    • Update Index: Updates the index to reflect changes in the document.

  6. Table of Authorities Group:

    • Mark Citation: Marks selected text as a legal authority for the table of authorities.

    • Insert Table of Authorities: Inserts a table of cases, statutes, or other legal authorities.

  7. Table of Figures Group:

    • Insert Table of Figures: Inserts a list of figures used in the document.

  8. Table of Tables Group:

    • Insert Table of Tables: Inserts a list of tables used in the document.

Review Tab

  1. Proofing:

    • Spelling & Grammar: Checks the document for spelling and grammar errors.

    • Thesaurus: Provides synonyms and related words for the selected text.

  2. Spelling & Grammar:

    • Opens the spell checker and grammar checker dialog box.

  3. Research:

    • Opens the Research pane to search for information online or within the document.

  4. Thesaurus:

    • Opens the thesaurus to find synonyms and related words for the selected text.

  5. Translate:

    • Translates the selected text or the entire document using the Microsoft Translator.

  6. Language:

    • Set Proofing Language: Allows you to change the language for spell checking and grammar.

    • Language Preferences: Opens the language settings dialog box for advanced language options.


    • New Comment: Adds a comment to the selected text.

    • Delete: Removes the selected comment or comments.

    • Previous / Next: Navigates between comments in the document.

    • Show Comments: Displays or hides the comments in the document.

  8. Tracking:

    • Track Changes: Enables or disables the tracking of changes made to the document.

    • Simple Markup: Displays a summary of changes while editing.

    • All Markup: Displays all changes and comments while editing.

    • No Markup: Hides tracked changes and comments.

  9. Compare:

    • Compares two versions of a document to show differences.

  10. Protect:

    • Restrict Editing: Limits editing to specific parts of the document and sets permissions.

    • Document Protection: Protects the document with a password.

  11. Changes Group:

    • Track Changes: Enables or disables the tracking of changes made to the document.

    • Accept: Accepts the selected change in the document.

    • Reject: Rejects the selected change in the document.

    • Previous / Next: Navigates between tracked changes in the document.

    • Advanced: Opens the Track Changes Options dialog box for advanced settings.

  12. Comments Group:

    • New Comment: Adds a comment to the selected text.

    • Delete: Removes the selected comment or comments.

    • Previous / Next: Navigates between comments in the document.

    • Show Markup: Provides options for showing or hiding comments and markup.

  13. Proofing Group:

    • Spelling & Grammar: Checks the document for spelling and grammar errors.

    • Research: Opens the Research pane to search for information online or within the document.

    • Thesaurus: Provides synonyms and related words for the selected text.

    • Translate: Translates the selected text or the entire document.

    • Language: Allows you to set proofing language and language preferences.

  14. Protect Group:

    • Protect Document: Protects the document with various levels of access and permissions.

    • Restrict Editing: Limits editing to specific parts of the document and sets permissions.

  15. Changes Group:

    • Track Changes: Enables or disables the tracking of changes made to the document.

    • Accept: Accepts the selected change in the document.

    • Reject: Rejects the selected change in the document.

    • Previous / Next: Navigates between tracked changes in the document.

    • Advanced: Opens the Track Changes Options dialog box for advanced settings.

  16. Compare Group:

    • Compare: Compares two versions of a document to show differences.

  17. Protect Group:

    • Protect Document: Protects the document with various levels of access and permissions.

    • Restrict Editing: Limits editing to specific parts of the document and sets permissions.

View Tab

  1. Document Views:

    • Print Layout: Displays the document as it would appear when printed.

    • Full Screen Reading: Opens the document in a simplified full-screen reading mode.

    • Web Layout: Displays the document with a layout optimized for viewing in a web browser.

    • Outline: Displays the document's structure as an outline, showing headings and subheadings.

    • Draft: Displays the document without formatting, in a simplified view.

  2. Show:

    • Ruler: Displays or hides the horizontal and vertical rulers.

    • Gridlines: Displays or hides the gridlines, which can be helpful for aligning objects.

    • Navigation Pane: Opens or closes the navigation pane, which helps you move through your document.

    • Thumbnails: Displays a thumbnail view of the pages in the document.

  3. Zoom:

    • Zoom In: Increases the zoom level to make the content appear larger.

    • Zoom Out: Decreases the zoom level to make the content appear smaller.

    • Zoom Level: Allows you to select a specific zoom percentage.

    • Zoom to Selection: Zooms in on a selected portion of the document.

    • One Page / Two Pages: Adjusts the zoom level to display one or two pages at a time.

  4. Window:

    • New Window: Opens a new window of the same document.

    • Arrange All: Arranges open document windows side by side.

    • Split: Divides the document window into two panes for simultaneous viewing of different parts of the document.

    • Switch Windows: Allows you to switch between open document windows.

  5. Macros:

    • Macros: Opens the Macros dialog box for managing and running macros.

  6. Show Group:

    • Ruler: Displays or hides the horizontal and vertical rulers.

    • Gridlines: Displays or hides the gridlines, which can be helpful for aligning objects.

    • Navigation Pane: Opens or closes the navigation pane, which helps you move through your document.

    • Thumbnails: Displays a thumbnail view of the pages in the document.

  7. Zoom Group:

    • Zoom In: Increases the zoom level to make the content appear larger.

    • Zoom Out: Decreases the zoom level to make the content appear smaller.

    • Zoom Level: Allows you to select a specific zoom percentage.

    • Zoom to Selection: Zooms in on a selected portion of the document.

    • One Page / Two Pages: Adjusts the zoom level to display one or two pages at a time.

  8. Window Group:

    • New Window: Opens a new window of the same document.

    • Arrange All: Arranges open document windows side by side.

    • Split: Divides the document window into two panes for simultaneous viewing of different parts of the document.

    • Switch Windows: Allows you to switch between open document windows.

  9. Macros Group:

    • Macros: Opens the Macros dialog box for managing and running macros.

Microsoft Excel

Complete Syllabus

  1. Home:

    • Clipboard: Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Painter.

    • Font: Font style, Font size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Font color.

    • Alignment: Align left, Center, Align right, Wrap text, Merge & Center.

    • Number: Number format, Increase Decimal, Decrease Decimal.

    • Styles: Cell styles, Conditional formatting.

    • Editing: Find & Select, Replace, Clear, Sort & Filter.

  2. Insert:

    • Tables: Table, PivotTable, PivotChart.

    • Illustrations: Pictures, Online Pictures, Shapes, SmartArt, Chart.

    • Add-Ins: Get Add-ins, My Add-ins.

  3. Page Layout:

    • Themes: Theme gallery, Colors, Fonts, Effects.

    • Page Setup: Margins, Orientation, Size, Print Area, Breaks, Background.

    • Scale to Fit: Width, Height.

    • Sheet Options: Gridlines, Headings, Display options for this worksheet.

    • Arrange: Align, Group, Rotate, Position.

  4. Formulas:

    • Function Library: Insert Function, Autosum, Recently Used.

    • Defined Names: Create from Selection, Name Manager.

    • Formula Auditing: Trace Precedents, Trace Dependents, Evaluate Formula.

    • SUM:

    • Adds up a range of numbers.

    • AVERAGE:

    • Calculates the average of a range of numbers.

    • COUNT:

    • Counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers.

    • COUNTA:

    • Counts the number of non-empty cells in a range.

    • MAX:

    • Returns the highest value in a range of numbers.

    • MIN:

    • Returns the lowest value in a range of numbers.

    • IF:

    • Returns one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false.

    • VLOOKUP:

    • Searches for a value in the first column of a range and returns a corresponding value from another column.

    • HLOOKUP:

    • Similar to VLOOKUP but searches for a value in the first row of a range and returns a corresponding value from another row.

    • INDEX & MATCH:

    • A powerful combination that lets you find a value at the intersection of a row and column based on matching criteria.

    • CONCATENATE (or &) :

    • Joins multiple text strings into one.

    • TEXT:

    • Converts a value to text with a specified format.


    • Extracts specific characters from a text string.

    • LEN:

    • Returns the length (number of characters) of a text string.

    • TRIM:

    • Removes extra spaces from a text string.

    • PROPER:

    • Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string.

    • LOWER and UPPER:

    • Converts text to all lowercase or all uppercase.

    • DATE:

    • Creates a date from year, month, and day values.

    • TODAY:

    • Returns the current date.

    • NOW:

    • Returns the current date and time.

    • DATEDIF:

    • Calculates the difference between two dates in various time units.


    • Calculates the number of working days between two dates, excluding weekends and specified holidays.

    • PMT:

    • Calculates the payment amount for a loan or investment based on constant payments and a constant interest rate.

    • IRR:

    • Calculates the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows.

    • NPV:

    • Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a series of cash flows and a discount rate.


    • Generates random numbers between 0 and 1 (RAND) or between specified values (RANDBETWEEN).

    • COUNTIF and SUMIF:

    • COUNTIF counts the number of cells in a range that meet a specific condition. SUMIF adds up values in a range that meet a specific condition.


    • Performs calculations like SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, etc., on a range, considering only visible cells (useful with filtered data).

  5. Data:

    • Get Data: Get External Data, From Text, From Web, From Workbook.

    • Sort & Filter: Sort, Filter.

    • Data Tools: Remove Duplicates, Data Validation, Text to Columns.

    • Outline: Subtotal, Group.

    • Get & Transform Data: Queries & Connections, Show Queries.

  6. Review:

    • Proofing: Spelling, Research, Thesaurus.

    • Language: Translate, Language preferences.

    • Comments: New Comment, Delete, Show/Hide Comments.

    • Changes: Track Changes, Compare, Protect Sheet, Protect Workbook.

  7. View:

    • Workbook Views: Normal, Page Layout, Page Break Preview.

    • Show: Gridlines, Headings, Formula Auditing, Ruler, Show All.

    • Zoom: Zoom, Zoom to Selection.

    • Window: New Window, Arrange All, Split, Switch Windows.

  8. Developer:

    • Code: Macros, Macros Security.

    • Add-Ins: Visual Basic, Add-Ins, XML Source.

    • Controls: Insert, Design Mode, Properties, View Code.

Microsoft PowerPoint


  1. Home:

    • Clipboard: Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Painter.

    • Slides: New Slide, Layout, Reset.

    • Font: Font style, Font size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Font color.

    • Paragraph: Alignment, Line spacing, Bullets, Numbering.

    • Drawing: Shapes, Text Box, SmartArt, Charts, Pictures.

  2. Insert:

    • Slides: New Slide, Slide from Outline, Reuse Slides.

    • Tables: Table, Excel Spreadsheet.

    • Illustrations: Pictures, Online Pictures, Shapes, SmartArt, Chart.

    • Links: Hyperlink, Action.

    • Text: Text Box, Header & Footer, WordArt.

  3. Design:

    • Themes: Theme gallery, Colors, Fonts, Effects.

    • Variants: Slide Master, Colors, Fonts.

    • Customize: Slide Size, Background, Arrangement.

    • Slide Transition: Transition Effects, Transition Speed.

    • Animations: Animation Effects, Animation Pane.

  4. Transitions:

    • Transition to This Slide: Choose a transition effect for the selected slide.

    • Timing: Duration, Delay, Advance On Mouse Click.

    • Transition Sound: Sound effects during slide transitions.

    • Advance Slide: After, On Mouse Click, Automatically After.

  5. Animations:

    • Preview: Preview Animation Effects.

    • Advanced Animation: Animation Pane, Timing.

    • Animation: Animation Effects, Add Animation.

    • Transition to This Slide: Choose a transition effect for the selected slide.

  6. Slide Show:

    • Start Slide Show: From Beginning, From Current Slide.

    • Set Up: Set Up Slide Show, Record Slide Show.

    • Monitors: Primary Monitor, Secondary Monitor.

    • Show/Hide: Grid and Guides, Ruler, Annotations.

  7. Review:

    • Proofing: Spelling, Research, Thesaurus.

    • Language: Translate, Language preferences.

    • Comments: New Comment, Delete, Previous/Next.

    • Compare: Compare Presentations.

    • Protect: Protect Presentation, Mark as Final.

  8. View:

    • Presentation Views: Normal, Slide Sorter, Reading View.

    • Show: Ruler, Grid and Guides, Annotations.

    • Zoom: Zoom, Zoom to Selection.

    • Color/Grayscale: Color, Grayscale, Black and White.

    • Window: New Window, Arrange All, Switch Windows.

Microsoft Outlook


  1. Home:

    • New: New Email, New Items, New Group.

    • Delete: Delete, Archive, Ignore.

    • Respond: Reply, Reply All, Forward.

    • Quick Steps: Apply predefined actions.

    • Move: Move to Folder, Copy to Folder.

    • Tags: Categorize, Follow Up.

  2. Send/Receive:

    • Send & Receive All Folders: Send and receive emails from all folders.

    • Download Preferences: Download Headers, Full Items.

    • Update Folder: Update the selected folder.

    • Send All: Send all emails in the Outbox.

  3. Folder:

    • New: New Folder, Search Folder.

    • New Items: New Email, New Appointment, New Contact.

    • Properties: Folder Properties.

    • Clean Up: Clean Up Folder, Clean Up Conversation.

    • Permissions: Folder Permissions, Calendar Permissions.

  4. View:

    • Layout: Message Preview, To-Do Bar, Reading Pane.

    • Conversations: Show Messages from Conversations, Show Senders Above Subject.

    • Current View: Change the current view (Compact, Single, Preview).

    • People Pane: People Pane, People Pane Options.

    • Arrangement: Sort, Filter, Group, Categories.

    • Layout: Message Preview, To-Do Bar, Reading Pane.

  5. Go To:

    • Mail: Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items.

    • Folder: Switch to a specific folder.

    • Calendar: Calendar, Today.

    • Contacts: Contacts, People.

    • Tasks: Tasks, To-Do List.

    • Notes: Notes, Notes List.

  6. Add-Ins:

    • Get Add-ins: Manage and install Add-ins.

  7. Format Text:

    • Clipboard: Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Painter.

    • Font: Font style, Font size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Font color.

    • Paragraph: Alignment, Bullets, Numbering, Line spacing.

    • Styles: Change Styles, Apply Styles.

    • Basic Text: Font Color, Bold, Italic, Underline.

    • Insert Object: Attach Files, Pictures, Links.

    • Quick Parts: AutoText, Document Property.

  8. Developer:

    • Custom Forms: Design a custom form.

    • Design This Form: Design the current form.

  9. Options:

    • Save Sent Items: Choose where to save sent messages.

    • Automatic Replies: Set out of office messages.

    • Rules and Alerts: Manage email rules and alerts.

    • Customize Ribbon: Customize the Outlook ribbon.

    • Calendar: Customize calendar settings.

    • People: Manage contacts and address book settings.

    • Advanced: Advanced Outlook settings.

    • Trust Center: Security and privacy settings.

    • Add-Ins: Manage COM Add-Ins.

Tally Prime with GST 


  1. Introduction to Tally Prime:

    • Overview of Tally Prime features and interface.

    • Understanding ledgers, groups, and vouchers.

  2. Creating Company:

    • Setting up a new company in Tally Prime.

    • Configuring company details, financial year, and other settings.

  3. Ledger and Group Creation:

    • Creating and managing ledger accounts.

    • Organizing ledgers into groups.

  4. Voucher Entry:

    • Recording different types of vouchers (e.g., payment, receipt, sales, purchase, journal).

    • Using voucher entry features like narration, bill reference, and more.

  5. Inventory Management:

    • Creating and managing stock items.

    • Recording stock transactions, stock journals, and physical stock vouchers.

  6. GST Concepts:

    • Understanding Goods and Services Tax (GST).

    • Types of GST (CGST, SGST, IGST).

  7. GST in Tally Prime:

    • Configuring GST settings in Tally Prime.

    • Recording GST transactions for sales and purchases.

  8. GST Returns:

    • Generating GST returns (GSTR-1, GSTR-3B) using Tally Prime.

    • Reconciliation of GST data.

  9. TDS (Tax Deducted at Source):

    • Recording TDS transactions in Tally Prime.

    • Generating TDS reports.

  10. TCS (Tax Collected at Source):

    • Recording TCS transactions in Tally Prime.

    • Generating TCS reports.

  11. Financial Statements:

    • Generating financial statements like balance sheet, profit and loss statement.

    • Analyzing reports using Tally Prime.

  12. Bank Reconciliation:

    • Reconciling bank transactions with Tally Prime.

  13. Data Security and Backup:

    • Taking data backup and ensuring data security.

  14. Advanced Tally Features:

    • Using advanced features like cost centers, budgets, scenarios, and more.

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प्रत्येक पाठ्यक्रम के लिए ई-सर्टिफिकेट

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हमारे बारे में-:
फिन कंप्यूटर क्लास
सेक्टर 107, नॉएडा  यूपी
एम-: 9871715299
इ:  फिनकंप्यूटरक्लास

सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित @ फिन कंप्यूटर वर्ग     यतेंद्र कुमार अवाना द्वारा डिजाइन और विकसित

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