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Yatendra Awana
May 14, 20231 min read
Program to print the sum of digits of any number
Program to print the sum of digits of any number
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Yatendra Awana
Oct 28, 20211 min read
while loop in c programming
while loop in c programming
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Yatendra Awana
Oct 28, 20211 min read
Program to find biggest number from three given numbers
Program to find biggest number from three given numbers
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Yatendra Awana
Oct 28, 20211 min read
Program to find quotient and remainder
Program to find quotient and remainder
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Yatendra Awana
Oct 28, 20211 min read
Program to print whether a number is even or odd
Program to print whether a number is even or odd
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Yatendra Awana
Oct 28, 20211 min read
Program to print the bigger number using if
Program to print the bigger number
if statement in c programming
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Yatendra Awana
Jul 21, 20211 min read
Program to understand the size of operator using c language
Program to understand the size of operator using c language
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Yatendra Awana
Jul 21, 20211 min read
write a c program to swap the value of two variable
write a c program to swap the value of two variable
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Yatendra Awana
Jul 21, 20211 min read
Program to understand the use of comma operator in c programming languge
Program to understand the use of comma operator in c programming languge
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Yatendra Awana
Jul 21, 20211 min read
write a c program to print the larger of two numbers using conditional operator.
write a c program to print the larger of two numbers using conditional operator.
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Yatendra Awana
Jul 21, 20211 min read
Write a C program to understand the use of relational operators
Write a C program to understand the use of relational operators
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Yatendra Awana
Jul 19, 20211 min read
Compiler and Interpreters
Compiler and Interpreters
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Yatendra Awana
Jun 18, 20211 min read
Write a C program using Prefix increment/decrement concept.
Write a c program using Prefix increment/decrement concept.
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Yatendra Awana
Jun 18, 20211 min read
Write a Program to understand the use of floating point data type and arithmetic operation.
Write a Program to understand the use of floating point data type and arithmetic operation. or using Float Variable find the sum,sub,mul,div
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Yatendra Awana
Jun 18, 20211 min read
Write a C Program to find out the size of data types
Write a C Program to find out the size of data types
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Yatendra Awana
Jun 18, 20211 min read
Write a C program Integer arithmetic operations or write a c program to find sum,sub,mul, div & rem.
Write a C program Integer arithmetic operations.
write a c program to find sum,sub,mul, div and Reminder of Two Number.
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